ACT NOW: Nemo Link consults on no-deal Brexit trading rules

A consultation on trading arrangements on the new Nemo interconnector with Belgium closes on Friday 14 June.

The rules governing trade on Nemo Link in the event of a hard Brexit were approved by the regulators in February.  However, the company said, those rules focused solely on the movement from Day Ahead implicit to Day Ahead explicit trading.

The current consultation is on rules that would apply for Long Term products if the GB leaves the Internal Energy Market.

Market participants are invited to review the proposals and send any feedback by 14th June 2019 to [email protected].

See the proposals here

Further reading

Nemo Link: will power flow across the interconnector in a no-deal Brexit?

ElecLink seeks feedback on access and charges – but will re-assess charges in the event of a no-deal Brexit

Interconnector access rules agreed to cover no-deal Brexit

Nemo link with Belgium starts day-ahead trading tomorrow

Viking Link interconnector granted onshore planning approval

Energy traders will require new EU registration in the event of a no-deal Brexit, says Ofgem