SSEN Transmission signs up Hitachi Energy for HVDC links to transport power from wind farms to users

Hitachi Energy has been selected by SSEN Transmission to supply high-voltage direct current (HVDC) converter stations the transmission network deploys up to five HVDC links to bring power from northern Scotland to areas of higher consumption in the south.
The 525kV HVDC links will each be up to 2GW in capacity.
Hitachi Energy will supply its voltage source converter (VSC) converter stations, which convert AC to DC for efficient, long-distance transmission and DC to AC, where the electricity is
returned to the grid. The first two projects under the framework agreement between Arnish-Beauly and Spittal-Peterhead have already been defined. The three additional projects are flexible in location, and to be defined as large-scale studies are finalised, expected later this year. The HVDC links are expected to enter operation in 2030 and onwards.
Hitachi Energy is already collaborating with SSE on other HVDC projects including the Caithness Moray and Shetland links.