Editor’s blog

When can we retire ‘demand’ and ‘supply’?

Electricity and energy industry models are starting to diverge from the centrally dispatched model dominated by large generators, and demand side response – although often an opaque term to users – is becoming a familiar part of the landscape. Initiatives…

Range anxiety again?

Think tanks Bright Blue and Policy Exchange raise some useful policy proposals aimed at speeding up the rollout of electric vehicles (see story here). A couple raise questions. Policy Exchange would see government offer competitive tenders and long term contracts…

Do you need an energy butler?

From time to time I find myself trying to explain how the energy industry is changing to people who couldn’t give a picowatt. Here is my latest analogy: In the past you have had an energy butler, happy to meet all…

A good idea a decade ago?

Once again Kwasi Kwarteng MP talks up nuclear as “The only way we can get decarbonised firm power which isn’t intermittent …We will need a source of power that isn’t fluctuating, that isn’t dependent on the wind blowing and the…

Those intermittent power plants …

We’ve been seeing some price spikes in power supply over the last few days. Ought we to blame those intermittent power generators, who can’t be relied on to generate at times of need and sit idle 80% of the time?…