Call for ideas: electricity System Operator wants innovation, £70M funding available

Electricity System Operator (SO) National Grid is looking for innovators to put forward projects for the 2018 Network Innovation Competition (NIC) process. The competition is operated by the regulator, Ofgem, and it makes funding available to inspire large-scale and industry innovations across the electricity industry.

The SO wants ideas to shape the future of the energy market, and help us to operate the network more flexibly and affordably.
Its main themes for the year are

  • System operability, operating the system at lower cost or more flexibly, and  developing new tools to operate the future energy system. 
  • Whole system, developing joined up approaches across transmission and distribution. 
  •  New markets, and novel commercial arrangements or services 
  • Big data and enhanced capabilities to process and analyse it. 

The call for proposals closes on 30 November.

For more information about submitting ideas, follow these links:

Visit the webpage or contact [email protected]

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