National Grid Gas wants innovation ideas for gas network: £20M funding up for grabs

National Grid Gas Transmission (NGGT) has launched a call for ideas for innovation in the gas network, for  the 2018 Network Innovation Competition (NIC). NGGT will review proposals to decide which to submit for the NIC competition. The proposals will be examined, and funding assessed, by regulator Ofgem.

NGGT wants proposals by 30 November. It has proposed for themes for proposals – efficiency, asset management, the future of the gas transmission network, and safety and performance (including reducing emissions). But it said, “Whatever [the proposals] theme, it’s important they have the potential to bring significant financial and environmental benefits to the UK’s energy consumers.”

The call for proposals comes as the role of gas in meeting the UK’s energy needs comes under scrutiny, driven by the need to reduce carbon emissions in the heat sector.

See more about the call here

Further reading:

Energy balances in switching to hydrogen

Hydrogen grid? Think about power – and gas – needs, says energy systems expert

‘National debate’ needed as some consumers will lose gas option