From New Power Report: UK100 and the zero carbon approach in local authorities

Members of the UK100 network of local authorities have pledged to convert to using 100% green energy by 2050. Janet Wood spoke to the network’s director, Polly Billington, about taking a local approach to energy.

Ofgem should have more‘sandboxes’ (projects where temporary derogations are permitted) and they should “not be stuck at the demonstration level – get them bigger”

My hunch is that the regulatory framework has probably run out of road

There is a long way to go for local leaders in understanding the rapidly changing energy landscape and how theycan formally engage with it

I’m not convinced that the DNOs/DSOs know what their business model will be yet in the new environment, so they are trying lots of things out

April cover

Download the full interview New Power Report 122 April UK100

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