Alpha acquisition consolidates small onshore power projects

Alpha Real Renewables has acquired operational wind and solar assets located across Wales and the North West.

The transaction, with TLT as adviser, comprised a portfolio of mixed clean energy technologies from individual operators, including wind farms with private wire power purchase agreements (PPAs), wind farms which export power to the grid, and a 1.2 ROC accredited solar project.

Alpha’s Wind Renewables Income Fund invests predominately in sub 5MW onshore wind assets in the UK, predominantly backed by UK Feed in Tarif (“FiT”) with 20-year “grandfathered” incentives.

This is the fourth time that TLT has supported Alpha Real Renewables with a transaction, having previously advised it on the Milborne Port Solar Farm acquisition from global solar company Canadian Solar.  

TLT said it had to draw out the potential complexities concerning private wire PPAs. The team carried out due diligence in respect of corporate, property, planning, commercial and construction matters and advised on the corporate transaction documents.


Further reading

Download your copy of the monthly New Power Report here, we’ve made the April issue free to download 

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