Green Grids: Tackling SF6 Emissions on GB Electricity Networks

Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) is a highly insulating gas that is important for switchgear and other electrical equipment at all scales. However, it is also an extremely dangerous greenhouse gas with a ‘global warming potential around 24,000 times that of carbon dioxide. The industry has to drive down hard on minimising SF6 leakage from existing equipment.
Meanwhile the industry and its supply chain are engaged in a joint effort to find replacements for SF6. Progress has been made. But alternatives may have some residual (although far smaller) global warming potential or require the use of other gases that are also being phased out. There is still much work to be done in finding and qualifying substitutes at high voltages. And alternatives may be more expensive,
The issue has to be addressed at a time when the electricity infrastructure us being rapidly expanded to meet our larger decarbonisation aims. Tradeoffs will have to be made against an evolving regulatory backdrop.

Green Grids: Tackling SF6 Emissions on GB Electricity Networks
A report on the issue by Maxine Frerk and Judith Ward, discussing progress in addressing the challenge, has been posted on the Sustainability First website here.

In January Maxine and Judith gave a recap and update, in a webinar organised by Sustainability First. Watch a recording of the webinar here

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