Northern Powergrid investigates mobile electric storage vehicle to provide electricity during power cuts

Northern Powergrid are working with Hyperdrive and Offgrid Energy are developing an electric response vehicle with an onboard energy storage system (ESS) to supply homes with power during power cuts, instead of the diesel-powered generators.  

Dubbed the Silent Power Project, the companies are investigating whether using an electric vehicle equipped with a large battery can efficiently cut running costs, noise and CO2 emissions, compared to diesel generators.

Ross McFarlane, innovation project manager at Northern Powergrid commented: “This project will enable us to restore power quickly, quietly and cleanly for customers after a fault on the network, while we carry out necessary repairs.”

Stephen Irish, founder of Hyperdrive Innovation said: “The potential market for this type of backup energy storage system is huge. Along with electricity distributors, we believe there are other areas, including construction and major events that could benefit from this secure, environmentally-friendly and quiet portable power solution.”

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