Author Archive for New Power

Scottish Enterprise awards R&D grant to Aggreko

Scottish Enterprise has awarded Aggreko UK a £1.5 million research and development (R&D) grant for three projects, which will see the company invest £33 million in its Dumbarton facility and create 23 new jobs. The three projects being supported by…

SSE Airtricity takes stake in PV installer

SSE Airtricity is to acquire 40% of Activ8 Solar Energies, a supplier of rooftop solar systems to home and business customers. The acquisition is subject to approval by the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission. Under the terms of the agreement SSE…

Get ready for the rollercoaster

New Power’s April issue takes a look at some of the investor money moving into the energy industry. It throws up some interesting structural changes and some clear trends for the future. The message? Hold on tight, things are going…

Mitsubishi picks up a third of Moray East wind farm

Mitsubishi has announced it will acquire 33.4% of shares in Moray Offshore Windfarm (East) Limited, through its wholly owned UK-based subsidiary Diamond Generating Europe (DGE), with EDP Renewables, a renewable energy company from Spain. Moray East is due to begin…

Take ACER survey: what is the value of electricity?

The Europe-wide Agency for the Co-operation of Energy Regulators (ACER) is carrying out research on how domestic and business customers value  electricity supply. The organisation has invited users to take a 7-8 minutes survey that will help it make informed decisions…